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Sunday, October 30, 2005

Lazy is Better

So, I'm playing around with code for the asynchronous I/O system. In a number of ways I'm finding that doing things "the right way" (fully thread safe, fully error checked and tolerant, etc.) is both cumbersome to code and slow/bloated when compiled (if you haven't figured it out by now, I step through most new code in release build, to see what the generated assembly looks like). Both of these are very much in opposition to the entire LibQ paradigm; so, I've decided to use a lazy model for the design of this thing.

What that means is that it's sensitive to how you use it. If you follow the rules (particularly with respect to call orders, and what operations you do from different threads simultaneously), nobody gets hurt; if you don't, you can expect that sometime, somewhere, anything ranging from subtle errors to spectacular crashes will slink into your program.

For a couple examples, calling CFile::Open (on the same CFile variable) at the same time from two different threads means death. Closing a file from one thread while another thread is doing a read/write on that file means death. Trying to use the same CAsyncStatus for an operation before the last operation using that CAsyncStatus has completed means death. Get the picture? Most of it's just common sense, but some of it I'll have to explicitly document.

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